1) JJ Cole Car Seat Cover. If you live in the tropics, disregard this one. If you live
Anyway, I'm sidetracking. Point is - it has been a snow war since literally the day this baby was born. We have almost a record setting amount of snow this winter. And the temps have been SO brutal. Even now it's April (tomorrow) and we have a ton of snow on the ground and it's cold, ya'll. I could NOT have dragged this baby in and out as often as I did if it wasn't for this cover.
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Source: Amazon.com |
It's a "shower cap" style which just goes over the top of the car seat. It doesn't interfere with any straps or the operation of the carseat. This style is safest for that reason (MVA are the #1 cause of death in kids, so that's not something to ignore) It's basically like an old school bunting. I fold up a blanket or two over him, then zip this up over the baby/blanket bundle, and put the flap over his head. The cover is wind resistant too. No messing around with snow suits or heavy coats, which, you should not use anyway since those can also compress in an accident and cause the baby to go flying out of the seat. So, basically if you live somewhere ridiculous like me, get this for your baby.
2) Snuza alarm. Go ahead and make fun of me. That lady puts an alarm on her kid's diaper. But you know what? - that alarm goes off if my kid stops breathing. Which, is kind of a big deal. People spend all kinds of money on more minor "safety" things but then something that is huge to their life... they make fun of it. I cannot tell you the peace of mind this gives me. And yes, it works. We've tested it, not to mention all the "false" alarms. Which really aren't false because a false alarm would be if it just randomly went off. That has never happened. It's gone off when it's slipped off of him or over to the side, or when I take it off for a diaper chance and forget to put it back on. That's actually a true alarm - since it's not detecting movement (his breathing). SIDS scares the crap out of me. No this alarm does not prevent SIDS. But it helps add a little help to your SIDS prevention arsenal. I cannot sleep if the battery is dead or it's not on him. I couldn't live with myself if he died and if only I had not been too lazy to get outta bed and clip the alarm on him, we would have known. So on it goes. Till he starts middle school (lol I kid). They're expensive ($100) but I got mine on ebay for half that.
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Source: Amazon.com |
3) Bouncy Chair
We are putting him in it a little less now because he's liking his swing now and also spends time on a blanket, but he hung out all the time in it as a newborn. I got mine for $5 off someone on craigslist. No need to pay $50-60 for one. Seriously though, you cannot hold your baby forever and my kid didn't like the baby carrier we had at the time, plus I had trouble getting anything done with a 10lb blob strapped to the front of my chest anyway. He loves sitting back in the chair, and loves when the vibration is on. Get one. And get a used one because they're fine.
4) FENUGREEK. I have complained so many times about my low supply of breastmilk. I won't get into it in this post. Let's just say, I took the classes, did the reading, thought I would BF till a year and it would be great. baby comes. he latches fine and besides the extremely sore nips the first week or 2, we had no issues. Except I could never satisfy him. And when I pump I get very little. Getting 2 oz when he was drinking 2 oz was okay. But now things have gone down to 1 oz... and he drinks 6. Fenugreek supplements have helped. Not a lot. When I was getting 2-3 oz pumped milk, I would get an extra 1 oz. Now that I only get 1 oz pumped milk, it gives me about 1/2 oz more. But when you have low supply/trouble pumping, you are very grateful for that half ounce. So if you struggle with milk supply, get some. And take like 9 pills a day.
Source: ebay.com |
4) FENUGREEK. I have complained so many times about my low supply of breastmilk. I won't get into it in this post. Let's just say, I took the classes, did the reading, thought I would BF till a year and it would be great. baby comes. he latches fine and besides the extremely sore nips the first week or 2, we had no issues. Except I could never satisfy him. And when I pump I get very little. Getting 2 oz when he was drinking 2 oz was okay. But now things have gone down to 1 oz... and he drinks 6. Fenugreek supplements have helped. Not a lot. When I was getting 2-3 oz pumped milk, I would get an extra 1 oz. Now that I only get 1 oz pumped milk, it gives me about 1/2 oz more. But when you have low supply/trouble pumping, you are very grateful for that half ounce. So if you struggle with milk supply, get some. And take like 9 pills a day.
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Source: newhealthguide.org |
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Source: target.com |
6) Colic Calm (a gripe water). This isn't just for colic. It's for general fussiness and crying and when they're a mess. It's expensive ($20) and inky black. Which is ridiculous when you have a baby who spits up and drools... because then then they leave black stains on clothes. But it helped me kid. Also - gas drops. Any kind. Maybe these products don't help. But they make you think they are... and that's half the
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Source: coliccalm.com |
7) Formula
It's a controversial topic. Most lactation consultants and breastfeeding nazi's tell you not to use that stuff if you're trying to breastfeed. But, they don't live in the real world with YOUR child. Because it actually SAVED my breastfeeding relationship and also helped me to actually start bonding with my child. The first night home from the hospital, Callum SCREAMED till 7am. He was on the boob pretty much constantly. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, scared, and wondering wtf was wrong with my kid and what the heck I had gotten myself into. Finally at 7am I remembered the ready-to-use formula sample bottles we had in the cupboard. The ones that earlier that day I had "poo-poohed" saying I wouldn't need them. I also had a sample can of formula but had no idea how to make a bottle of powered formula lol, so these bottles were easier. So I, crying, broke down and gave him one (Similac for Supplementation). He chugged it and fell right asleep. I was amazed. I was relieved. I felt like a weight had been lifted. After that I still breastfed for almost every feeding. But just knowing we had some was a great security blanket. I would usually give him a 2 oz bottle at his bedtime feeding, and have Eric give him one if i was ever out. Because when you only have 1 hour between the end of 1 feeding and the start of another... if you ever do leave the house, you're pretty much guaranteed that your baby will be hungry before you make it home. I still felt guilty since everyone said not to give formula and felt like I was "sneaking" it in, but did help a little with my mental state related to my breastfeeding anxiety.
Over time though, it allowed me to RELAX. I was such an emotional, anxious mess in the beginning over his feeding that it totally interfered with bonding. I can't remember how many times I stated "I hate breastfeeding." I would cry anytime the baby started crying to eat, because I DREADED having to nurse him. Having formula available let me know that he would always get enough to eat. That I could whip out a bottle if needed, and KNOW exactly how much he was eating too. Because when you nurse, you have no clue how much your baby just drank. If I was a leaky cow like some women are, I would have just given him all pumped breastmilk. But I am not a cow-woman.
He was mostly BF for the first month. I had a manual pump and I finally got a double electric pump around a month old. Around that time his demands were increasing, and he was eating 3-4 oz. I was still only producing 2 oz of milk when I pumped. So then I started mixing bottles of 2 oz BM and 1-2 oz formula. Again, my kid would sca-ream for hours if he didn't get all the milk he wanted. Some people are okay with that, and say to still not supplement, but I personally couldn't stand a) hearing my kid scream, and b) knowing he was hungry. So I supplemented with formula and it was good for us. I still wish I made an overabundance of milk but since I don't, I'm so glad this is available.
PS. He's been on Similac and if you sign up for Similac Strong Moms they'll send you $5 rebate checks in the mail, plus they often have $2 off coupons. So $7 off, makes it about the same as generic. Howeverthey recently raised the price of the kind he's on...so I'll probably be switching to generic (which he's had and was fine). And FYI... ALL store brands are made by the same company, Perrigo. So walmart, target, the drug stores, wegmans brand, etc... it's the exact same formula (www.storebrandformula.com) And ALL formula in the US has to meet the same nutritional standards by law... so different brands are not as different as you think.
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Source: Similac.com |
If it was not for formula in the beginning to help supplement, I totally would have given up on BFing altogether. I'm so glad I am still able to BF when I can. It really is a great bonding experience now - I love laying in bed with him as he nurses and dozes. It may not fill him up like "normal" breastfeeding should, but it's like a "snack" and he's so calm and relaxed...it's just the best. So if you are pregnant and planning to breastfeed... sign up with Similac and Enfamil to get some samples sent to you. it's just good peace of mind, I'm tellin ya!