Friday, May 22, 2015

17 months old

I haven't updated in forever and I have no idea what has happened in our lives since then. Callum is 17 months old now. When this happened, I do not know. He is a real little person, totally a toddler and not much a baby.

Callum still doesn't speak much. He says dada and mama when he feels like it. He usually says a weird "isssh" sound for everything and babbles constantly. He signs "more," "eat," "all done." He does say daa and ma or mom and sometimes he tries other words like dog or grandma but it really sounds like nothing.

HE takes his diaper off now CONSTANTLY if he doesn't have pants on, which makes diaper changes a challenge. Actually, last weekend while we were outside, he somehow managed to get his diaper off while wearing a romper. All of a sudden he comes toddling up with a diaper in hand, very proud of himself, and I'm like "wait is that your actual diaper?" Sure enough, upon feeling his nether regions, there was no diaper to be felt. I seriously do not know how he managed it.

He has also discovered his penis which has been interesting. Seriously WHAT is up with boys and it. Girls do not seem to do this. He points, tugs, manhandles, rests his hand, anything. It's like yes you have something down there but really? So much attention. He gets mad during the diaper changes also that we are covering it up, so he can no longer touch it. Ridiculous. He points to many body parts, speaking of, if you ask him to. Including his penis/weiner/peepee/whatever. However ask him where his nose is and he's clueless LOL.

He understands so much now and if you tell him to do something or get something, he will usually do it. He also has entered the phase where he picks random things up off the ground and hands them to you as a "present." Which is kinda nice since it beats putting them in his mouth. Which btw, he's still in the oral phase and many things still go in his mouth. This works well for all the things he picks up that he shouldn't (like xbox remote, the "good" tv remote - this child LOVES remotes, my sparkling water cans, glasses, etc) because if you just say "Callum, give that to mama" he will usually walk over and hand it over. Whereas, if you just take it from him and say "No!" a tantrum will ensue.

He tests his limits constantly. He loves to lightly touch something he know he shouldn't, while glancing back at us with this i'm-so-innocent look to his face. My mom says I was the exact same way. Payback is a bitch.

 He also loves to dance now. The littlest hint of music and he's over there grooving. His dancing is like an awkward hippie dance. A somewhat unfluid motion of his body and limbs, which includes touching objects and spinning. He also does this thing recently where he bends to the side a bit, and tilts his head to the side, while walking towards you. And it's REALLY weird and sometimes I worry he has a neurological problem. I think he's just being funny though. He loves to spin in circles. If you say "callum do helicopter" or "callum can you spin?" There he goes, with his arms out like he's imitating a penguin walking.

Trying to recap so many months that I've missed documenting my kid's life is just too hard. So I will just photo dump. I have many videos but I am a little unsure how to get a video onto the blog from my phone (galaxy s4)? Anyone know? And there are totally random, chronologically although they kind of go newest-oldest.