Saturday, December 28, 2013

18 days old

Time is flying already. Each day goes by so fast. Mainly because I am semi-nocturnal and don't get out of bed until at least noon o'clock. His face is changing already. It's definately chubbier and his cheeks have filled out.

We had our 2 week doctor appt with our actual pediatrictian this past week.  He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz. He gainned 14 oz in 10 days! He was 7lbs exactly at his appt 10 days before (he was 7lb 7 oz at birth). He was 21 inches long, up an inch. And his head was 14 inches, up 1/2 inch.

His eyes have been gooey and crusty. It's clogged tear ducts. The pedi said it's normal and goes away in a couple weeks... to a few months. It's actually looking a little better. We have to push on the corners of his eyes. And... I've been putting breastmilk on it. It helps it apparently.

His skin has also been peeling all off. Pedi said at 2 weeks old they lose their entire first layer of skin. he's like a little snake. It's getting a little better though.

I'm continuing to breastfeed, and supplement. I'm just not making that much milk. He is drinking 3 oz at this point, last night he took 4 oz. So I either a) nurse him for about 30 mins, then offer 1-2 oz of formula or 2) give him whatever amt of pumped breastmilk I have (usually 1-2 oz) and then fill the rest of the bottle up with formula to make it 3 oz. I got a Medela Pump In Style Advanced (the metro bag which was more money, of course) and I LOVE IT. I'm done pumping within 5-10 minutes. I get out 1-2 oz total, which really isn't that much. Sometimes only 1/2 ounce if I pump right after I nurse. But he was acting so unsatisfied and hungry all the time because he wasn't getting enough from me. Supplementing with formula has really helped him... and saved my sanity. This past week has been SO much better. He's going at least 3 hours now between feedings (unless he just nurses and falls asleep and won't wake up, then he's huungry again sooner since he didn't get enough). I've learned already that you have to do what works for you and your baby. Yea all the lactivists would tell me to just stick him on my boob all day long but that wouldn't work. I feel more in the groove now, still figuring some things out but like I said, feedings are way better. I seem to be the only one though that can figure out the math on giving him his mixed breastmilk/formula bottles. I'm talking to you, Eric. lol It is unnerving though to try and franktically make a bottle while he is screaming his baby head off. Callum is so impatient. Lol Eric's mom said he gets it from his dad hahaha.

There still aren't set times for his feedings but I can kind of anticipate when he will eat. KIND OF. Because without fail he'll mess it all up and either go for super long (usually during the day) and then other times wake up sooner (of course, usually during the night). He's really a pretty good baby though. He doesn't fuss much unless he's hungry, his pacifier falls out, or sometimes when we're changing him. He loves to suck so the pacifier works well for him. He really needs to learn how to keep it in his mouth though. He is the best burper. He burps so easily, sometimes before I can even get him up on my shoulder.

He pees so much. He pees all over everything. We go through like, 50 outfits a day. Also, everyone says "oh they're not in newborn clothes for long" but.... he's in them NOW. And I have a definate lack of newborn sizes. So sometimes we go through them all and I have to put him in the 0-3 or 3 month sizes and he swims in them. Sometimes they're so big I'm scared he'll sufficate lol. I just bought a newborn sized sleeper tonight because seriously, I get that they're not in them long, but I still need to dress him for the first month or so.

I return to work February 12th. It's a Wednesday. I work 3 days and then have February Recess for a week lol. I did that on purpose to ease myself back in. So he'll be 9 weeks old when I go back... but he'll be 11 weeks old time I go back after the break. I am taking a couple weeks of my maternity leave unpaid but it's worth it to me. I can't imagine going back after only 6 weeks!! I'm nervous to go back only because of my sleep scedule. I have to get up at 6am... there are nights i've only gotten like 2 hours of sleep by then... i get most of my sleep from like 8am-11am because Callum usually sleeps soundly then (altough today he was a mess during that time, so who knows).    No idea how to get a tiny baby on a scedule since he has no idea what time it is.

This was his first bath. His umbilical cord had fallen off but a little scab was still there and apparently it was okay to bathe him. The scab has since gone away, for anyone who wanted to know. I'm a bad mother but I can't even remember what day it fell off. It happened earlier than I thought it would though.

He's fussing to eat now, so I better go feed that hungry baby!!

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