He had his 4 month appt on 4/18. He was 15 lb 11 oz and 25.5 inches long. His head was 17 inches. Everything was normal. The doctor said he does not have a flat head, well, not flat enough to be of concern. Developmentally he is on target. She said we can start introducing solids. We had actually started giving him rice cereal on 4/15. We gave him it on a spoon and he didn't know what to think. We then started adding it to him bedtime bottle but have stopped now that he is having some sort of allergy to something unknown. We've also tried oatmeal cereal, sweet potatoes (HIS FAV), apples (didn't like too much, but they were bitter), and sweet peas (ew, peas). I can't remember all the dates we tried them. He hasn't gotten any solids now though other than avocados once in the past 2 weeks or so because of his hives!
He also had his first library trip on 4/16, and I wore him out in the Moby wrap. We then went to Wegmans and I got so many looks from people like they'd never seen such a thing before. I want to get a woven wrap to start doing back carries. I actually think I'm going to attempt to make one because a) it's cheaper b) it's cheaper and c) might be a fun project. Like I have time for projects lol.
Well I originally thought we had avoided 4 month sleep regression. He had randomly started sleeping like 8-9 hours and I was in heaven. I even started using Huggies Overnight diapers because he was peeing through regular ones sleeping that long. Wrong. After 1 week he started sleeping like a mess again. Ok, not really mess but back to anywhere from 3-5 hours before waking up to eat. On the weekends I get up with him in the middle of the night, then in the morning when most people would just get up, but I make us go back to sleep for a couple more hours lol. He really is NOT that bad it's just hard to coordinate your sleep schedule with a baby's. We stay up too late and Callum gets up too early.
He "found" his ear on Saturday 5/3, and it was so funny to watch him manhandle it.
On 5/7 I took him to the pediatrician. On Monday he had a terrible looking red, raised rash all on his trunk. Of course, he has some red eczema around his elbows, wrists, knees and sometimes on his trunk but nothing like this. He was also itchy his little eyes like crazy. So finagled some things around and met my mom at the pediatricians. It took forever at the appt. Anyway, we really liked her (and she called me pretty, how can you not like someone that calls you pretty?)
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Monday - pre-treatment |
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Tuesday - treatment started |
She said it IS eczema and he is having a flareup either d/t something environmental or something he ate. She said hold off on oatmeal or apples for awhile since he at that Saturday. He had had both of those earlier in the week tho and was fine. She also explained how allergies/eczema/asthma are all on the same gene and often if you get 1 you have the others. Great. Eric was an allergy asthma kid, so I was kind of expecting my kid would be too. Anyway, she gave us an rx for a steroid cream only to be used until this flare up goes away. After 1 use he already looks better. Also said he must be moisturized 2x a day with Cetaphil, and also said to give him Zyrtec.
We gave the steroid cream right away, but held off a day before giving him the Zyrtec. Yes, I was scared he'd have an allergic reaction to the Zyrtec and die in his sleep and also didn't want to overload his system with all these drugs at once. Well he slept 8 hours straight. If it's gonna have a side effect, I guess making him sleep is a good one. I wonder though if part of it is he's just not so damn itchy anymore so he wasn't as disturbed in his sleep. Last night at bedtime the side of his face was randomly SO red and irritated, and he scratched it so much he gouged the side of his forehead and had blood just dripping down. It was awful! AND my mom had just filed his nails a couple hours before. Poor kid.
Back to the doctor appt - She confirmed that his cradle cap is bad and said to use Selsom Blue. If that doesn't work we get referred to a dermatologist. Because we have tried everything and Selsom Blue is the end of the line for the regular pediatricians office. I've been putting aquaphor and now cetaphil on it the past couple days and it looks a TON better (I've been to Wegmans and Target like 3 times since Monday and have forgotten the Selsom Blue each time - oops).
He's still a pretty happy guy despite the rashiness. The PNP said "don't think for a second that he's not itchy. it is itchy." Which made me feel so bad for him! He still scratches his face up SO SO bad, like a newborn. We were like what the heck, why is he still scratching himself!? Well, the PNP said it's probably because he's trying to itch :( And him finding his ear... well probably itchy too. He had dried blood all around it at the dr appt Poor kid!!
(UPDATE - follow appt was 5/12. he looks better altho still little patches here and there. She wants us to try Clariton too and to give the meds 2x a day instead of once. THIS BOY.)
(UPDATE #3 - Taking him to an allergist today, 5/21. He looks bad again, despite treatment. Poor kid, 5 months old and already seeing an allergist.)
$20 a visit adds up (love those well baby check ups which are free lol). Funny how I NEVER go to the doctor for myself, but for your kid you don't even hesitate.
He was 16 lb 9.5 oz on 5/7, and 16 lb 12 oz on 5/12. And the nurse said several times that he was "long" for his age. Fat boy. He has refused to nurse for about a month now. Twice I got him to latch on and suck for like 10 seconds but that was it. I still pump but only get like 2 oz a day, so mostly formula at this point. Over it. Completely over it. I won't even entertain guilt anymore because I just don't care. I was told that by 4-5 months ANY breastmilk is just as good as exclusively getting breastmilk. So whatever, there's your 2 oz, Callum.
Speaking of Callum. This poor kid. His parents gave him such a difficult name for American speakers. His last name is tough enough (except it really is so easy, people just always say it wrong. At the pharmacy they were calling him Caleb Doggin. Poor baby. We say he's going to be so annoyed as he gets older, he'll just tell people to call him John, his middle name lol.
He is so rolly now. He does NOT roll totally over much at all, but he teeters side to side. I think some of that is from all his kicking. I'll put him on the floor and he's lying in one direction, say North-South and I come back and he's gotten himself in an East-West direction. It's so funny. I THINK he is slowly starting to learn his name. He'll kind of look now when you say it, but I think part of it is tone of voice.
(UPDATE: on 5/13 it was like a huge change came over him. Now he's moving even more, and just seems way more developed literally overnight. He's also doing this thing where he puts his legs straight up in the air and then slams them down. He's also finally grabbing onto his feet with his legs up in the air. it's so stinkin' cute.)
I love when I get home from work and he give me this open mouth smile when I talk to him. We are just so in love with this baby. He is so dang cute. Even when he makes his grinch baby face, he's still so cute. He does this thing with his mouth where he opens it up like an "O" and I just love it. I always kiss him then.
Tuesday 5/6 he drooled/spit up right in my mouth. Eric wrote that on the calendar.
He was evicted from his bassinet on Monday 5/12. Poor guy was totally scrunched up and had to bend his legs out to the side. I came home from work and it had been done for me. He's now sleeping in the pack n play in our room because god forbid we move this child to his actual crib. honestly though we don't have a baby monitor and that is the main reason he's not just in his crib. I am still doing tons of research on one, and looking for deals... so since I have no time... all this research will take awhile.
Sunday 5/4 was my 1st Mother's day! It was so sweet. Eric got me a card, and so did Callum. HE also gave me a hydrangea (I want to plant them in our sad yard), and my favorite chocolate. We went to the park and then family dinner at my cousin's. I love being Callum's mom!!
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