He has had eczema since 2 months. That was confined to the usual spots - at his elbows and all the "creases;" wrist, knee, ankle. On monday May 5th is when it all went to pot. It was literally overnight he broke out in his crazy welt looking rash all on his trunk. His face is also rashy on and off, and it's also spread down to his thighs a bit. He also gets itchy eyes at certain times. We are doing everything we've been told to - and it's getting worse. And he's getting itchier. My child is now living with socks on his hands to keep himself from gouging his baby skin. Which doesn't even always work.
Here's the summary of what has been happening:
We have been told to do, and not do, so many things. Contradictions by different doctors.
Originally we were told to use dolsomide (steroid ointment) and moisturize with Cetaphil. Did/do it and it doesn't help. And give him Zyrtec at night. 2nd doctor appt - continue with those, and also try Claritin instead of Zyrtec (didn't work - went back to Zyrtec). We also smother him in Calendula ointment (homeopathic, petroleum jelly base) and Aquafour (also petroleum jelly based). Saw the allergist who said only put the steroid ointment on the actual eczema spots now and not all over his trunk. Also she wanted to try him on an elemental formula (broken down to amino acids, so there is no casein or whey aka no milk protein). This was to see if he had a milk protein allergy causing all this. If it worked, it would be covered by insurance, at least in part.
That began the sub-saga: THE FORMULA SAGA
So this formula is expensive. Like $50/can. A can lasts 2-3 days. The allergist had no samples. So I got right on the phone and called the pedi office, drove there, and picked up 2 cans of Neocate. One had a code to receive a free sample of the formula, so I ordered that as well and that arrived Tuesday. So we gave that to him starting Wednesday 5/21...the next day he looked SO much better. I was optimistic and called the allergist to tell them it worked and to write a prescription for it. It would require prior-authorization, which we knew since insurance companies are the worst companies on the planet and don't want to actually pay anything. So they make you jump through hoops.
Anyway, got that ball rolling, called the pediatrician to inform them, and also called WIC. With WIC, in NY, they will also provide 9 cans of this special formula a month. They told me the doctor did NOT need to fill out any special forms (contrary to the form i was looking at online...) and they just needed the rx from the doctor. Made me an appt for Tuesday the 27th. I didn't have the rx at this point, since I had just gotten off the phone from telling the doctor to write one. And it was Friday afternoon and Monday was a holiday. Ok, well, why I don't I pick up the rx from the allergist Tuesday morning? (Um, because I work. And I'm already leaving work to drive across the city to your appt. That's why). After 1000 more phone calls, the allergist faxed the rx to WIC. Called Tuesday to confirm WIC got it. They did but they need another form (Yes, that same form they said they didn't need lol) but will still give me 1 month of checks and just come back next month with that form filled out by the doctor. Got those checks, brought to the pharmacy. They were confused about what to do. Said there was already a prior auth on the formula. Right... that's for the insurance. This is WIC. 2 separate things. They figure it out and do a special order.
They call me the next day (Weds) that it's ready. I go to pick it up... and the kid at the counter is SO confused. It took 3 people to figure it out. This is after I had had a phone call from them saying my order was there and come get it! They kept saying they were waiting on the prior auth. Again, that is for the imsurance. This is for WIC. 2 separate things. Of course it was there, and I got it. $400 for this formula, ya'll. Also on Weds the allergist is calling me all confused about Wegmans faxing them a prior auth and THEY were totally confused about WIC vs. insurance as well. I wanted to jump off a bridge basically.
Good thing for WIC though because we would not be able to have any formula right now without it. Since the insurance it taking their sweet ass time and hello, this baby still needs to eat in the meantime.
And for all that... he looks no better. He looks worse. I really don't think it's a milk protein allergy. But we have to keep using it for a few weeks because that's how long it can take for your skin to clear up from one, apparently.
Also, since it's already at the amino acid level, he digests it so much quicker, which means he wants to eat more frequently. He was up 2x last night. We're so exhausted. He eats less per feeding though. Before, he was eating 6 oz, now it's down to 4-5oz. Kind of strange.
We took him to see a homeopathic doctor this weekend in Buffalo. I really hope he can help him, he helped 1 10 y/o girl who had had eczema her whole life, he totally cured her of it. He said to give him 3 months and he can clear it up. He recommended we not get him his 6 month vaccines because his immune system is hyperactive right now (which is causing this rash) but to hold off on any vaccinations for 2-3 months, and then pick it back up again. Honestly...this rash started about 2 weeks after his 4 month vaccinations, so maybe there is a link. I don't know. He gave us 2 homeopathic pills to use. We did the first set and now started the 2nd set. He also gave me pills to try to boost my breastmilk supply. Probably won't help since nothing helps with that lol, but can't hurt. Anyway, I really liked him and feel comfortable with him.
Callum goes back to the pedi tomorrow see his actual pediatrician. Just yet another appt that won't help. Just another $20 to hand over...
And allergy testing on June 13th, not sure what kind they're going to do. We have to stop his Zyrtec for a week beforehand. I'm scared for that.
Talked to the pedi office yesterday and they said to give him Benadryl at night now. I got some but I'm not giving it a) because I hate to give him benadryl so young and 2) it has red dye #40 in it which is horrible and banned in the food and medical supplies in every other country but the US, and no way am I giving my infant that shit. I got some to have on hand in case of a real allergic emergency but I'm going to look for a dye free version.
It's really taking its toll on me. I am just so tired of this unknown. I'm tired of my baby itching. His little baby hand, with poor fine motor skills, reaching up to his head to awkwardly scratch... it's so so heartbreaking! And he scratches his head all up. Sometimes I'll look and blood will just be dripping down his face. You know... he had been rubbing and scratching himself for weeks Plus he looks diseased. And everyone is always giving me advice or asking questions about it that I've tried or answered a bunch of times before. It's just this big weight of worry I feel on my shoulders all the time. I cannot wait till this stupid rash is figured out and it goes away and the weight is lifted!! It's also tricky because 1 day it looks awful, and the next it looks better. False hope!
So this formula is expensive. Like $50/can. A can lasts 2-3 days. The allergist had no samples. So I got right on the phone and called the pedi office, drove there, and picked up 2 cans of Neocate. One had a code to receive a free sample of the formula, so I ordered that as well and that arrived Tuesday. So we gave that to him starting Wednesday 5/21...the next day he looked SO much better. I was optimistic and called the allergist to tell them it worked and to write a prescription for it. It would require prior-authorization, which we knew since insurance companies are the worst companies on the planet and don't want to actually pay anything. So they make you jump through hoops.
Anyway, got that ball rolling, called the pediatrician to inform them, and also called WIC. With WIC, in NY, they will also provide 9 cans of this special formula a month. They told me the doctor did NOT need to fill out any special forms (contrary to the form i was looking at online...) and they just needed the rx from the doctor. Made me an appt for Tuesday the 27th. I didn't have the rx at this point, since I had just gotten off the phone from telling the doctor to write one. And it was Friday afternoon and Monday was a holiday. Ok, well, why I don't I pick up the rx from the allergist Tuesday morning? (Um, because I work. And I'm already leaving work to drive across the city to your appt. That's why). After 1000 more phone calls, the allergist faxed the rx to WIC. Called Tuesday to confirm WIC got it. They did but they need another form (Yes, that same form they said they didn't need lol) but will still give me 1 month of checks and just come back next month with that form filled out by the doctor. Got those checks, brought to the pharmacy. They were confused about what to do. Said there was already a prior auth on the formula. Right... that's for the insurance. This is WIC. 2 separate things. They figure it out and do a special order.
They call me the next day (Weds) that it's ready. I go to pick it up... and the kid at the counter is SO confused. It took 3 people to figure it out. This is after I had had a phone call from them saying my order was there and come get it! They kept saying they were waiting on the prior auth. Again, that is for the imsurance. This is for WIC. 2 separate things. Of course it was there, and I got it. $400 for this formula, ya'll. Also on Weds the allergist is calling me all confused about Wegmans faxing them a prior auth and THEY were totally confused about WIC vs. insurance as well. I wanted to jump off a bridge basically.
Good thing for WIC though because we would not be able to have any formula right now without it. Since the insurance it taking their sweet ass time and hello, this baby still needs to eat in the meantime.
And for all that... he looks no better. He looks worse. I really don't think it's a milk protein allergy. But we have to keep using it for a few weeks because that's how long it can take for your skin to clear up from one, apparently.
Also, since it's already at the amino acid level, he digests it so much quicker, which means he wants to eat more frequently. He was up 2x last night. We're so exhausted. He eats less per feeding though. Before, he was eating 6 oz, now it's down to 4-5oz. Kind of strange.
We took him to see a homeopathic doctor this weekend in Buffalo. I really hope he can help him, he helped 1 10 y/o girl who had had eczema her whole life, he totally cured her of it. He said to give him 3 months and he can clear it up. He recommended we not get him his 6 month vaccines because his immune system is hyperactive right now (which is causing this rash) but to hold off on any vaccinations for 2-3 months, and then pick it back up again. Honestly...this rash started about 2 weeks after his 4 month vaccinations, so maybe there is a link. I don't know. He gave us 2 homeopathic pills to use. We did the first set and now started the 2nd set. He also gave me pills to try to boost my breastmilk supply. Probably won't help since nothing helps with that lol, but can't hurt. Anyway, I really liked him and feel comfortable with him.
Callum goes back to the pedi tomorrow see his actual pediatrician. Just yet another appt that won't help. Just another $20 to hand over...
And allergy testing on June 13th, not sure what kind they're going to do. We have to stop his Zyrtec for a week beforehand. I'm scared for that.
Talked to the pedi office yesterday and they said to give him Benadryl at night now. I got some but I'm not giving it a) because I hate to give him benadryl so young and 2) it has red dye #40 in it which is horrible and banned in the food and medical supplies in every other country but the US, and no way am I giving my infant that shit. I got some to have on hand in case of a real allergic emergency but I'm going to look for a dye free version.
It's really taking its toll on me. I am just so tired of this unknown. I'm tired of my baby itching. His little baby hand, with poor fine motor skills, reaching up to his head to awkwardly scratch... it's so so heartbreaking! And he scratches his head all up. Sometimes I'll look and blood will just be dripping down his face. You know... he had been rubbing and scratching himself for weeks Plus he looks diseased. And everyone is always giving me advice or asking questions about it that I've tried or answered a bunch of times before. It's just this big weight of worry I feel on my shoulders all the time. I cannot wait till this stupid rash is figured out and it goes away and the weight is lifted!! It's also tricky because 1 day it looks awful, and the next it looks better. False hope!
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5/5 - Original rash |
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5/8 - After starting steroids
5/18 - puffy face
5/18 - rashy back |
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5/27 - woke up at 3:30 am looking like this |
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5/27 - 4am |
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5/27 - 4am |
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5/27 - 4am itching 5/26 - before the crazy rash above
5/27 - 9pm, looking better
Sweet boy on Mother's Day |
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